IP Mediation & Arbitration

Arbitration and mediation in dispute settlement

We should believe in win-win situation
Sometimes disputes over the rights of trademarks, patents, Industrial designs, copyrights, etc. are easier to negotiate and mediate or arbitrate.
Mediation and negotiation as well as arbitration are legal dispute resolution methods that both sides have been in a better position both in terms of costs and time and procedure for judicial review, and usually in terms of maintaining trade relations and Business interactions also have another double benefit. 
Although the first and easiest way to deal with legal issues is referring to the judiciary, the experience has shown that in some cases, the parties after following various stages of judicial review and tolerance of great concern eventually concluded that perhaps negotiation could be more suitable for resolving their dispute. 
Since cultural and attitude differences in many cases interfere with negotiations between the parties, the presence of a mediator (negotiator) and a well-qualified and fair arbitrator who, in addition to mastering the specialized subject matter of the dispute, can best suit, By interpreting concepts and the power of fair conviction, hold a meeting between the parties and resolving the issue, can be very fruitful and result-oriented. 


The role of NOBAN Law Office in mediation or arbitration

NOBAN Law Office believing in the importance of dispute settlement means, as well as on the basis of expertise and ethics and humanitarian principles, can:
1.     Enter the process of negotiations and assist each party to resolve it by legal and economic analysis and the vulnerabilities or strengths of each party;
2.     Provide necessary information in order to carry out a constructive negotiation, to discover its true status and strengths or vulnerabilities of the subject;
3.     If the parties have referred the dispute to arbitrary arbitration in their respective contracts (in the field of the specialized matters of this office), they shall make a fair decision as a professional arbitrator;
NOBAN in every IP disputes in Iran can enter, in each of the cases where the parties intend to make a decision on the difference between them, as well as being a great help in the case of mediation where the parties want a third party to enter into negotiations between them and in the process of resolving disagreements will advise them and help them to resolve differences.